Kongorin-ji Temple | The world cut out from the window ...
A scene where the light of mercy fills the entire mountain.
金剛輪寺 | 広縁から切り取ったその世界は…

The crimson “Momiji” (Japapese maple) is beautiful, but the green “Momiji” is also tasteful. Kongorin-ji Temple, which I visited during the heat wave, was surrounded by cool, clear air and refreshing “Momiji” leaves.
It's as if the light of mercy fills the entire mountain. The well-being of this world and the happiness of the future dwelled in my heart, and I was immersed in the feeling that my heart was purished.

Invited by the rustling sound of the murmuring, I climbed the lush approach to the shrine. The fresh air was comfortable as if I was bathing in the forest.

After climbing up the mountain road and passing through the “Nitenmon Gate”, I found the main hall, “Daihikaku”, which is a national treasure.
Kongorin-ji Temple was damaged by the burning of Nobunaga Oda. It is said that the main hall, the three-storied pagoda, and the “Nitenmon Gate” escaped disasters when the monks at that time used their wisdom to dismiss the soldiers by pretending that the whole temple had burned down.

From the window of the main hall, small purple and mauve hydrangeas quietly add a touch of color to the lush “Momiji” leaves. This “Momiji” is said to be dyed in bright vermilion, which is called "blood-dyed autumn leaves" in autumn.

The main hall “Daihikaku” is a representative of Japanese-style architecture in the Kamakura period and is designated as a national treasure. Buddha statues from the Heian period to the Kamakura period, such as the main idol, the statues of “Amitabha Buddha (Amida Nyorai)”, and “Eleven-headed-Avalokiteshvara” are enshrined in the hall, and many of them are designated as national important cultural properties.

There is such a phrase in the chancel. "Temple that illuminates a corner" - I believe that it has always been a place where visitors can feel relieved.
内陣にはこんな一句が。『一隅を照らす寺』− その昔より、訪れた人がほっと安堵できる、そんな場所だったのだろう。

Going further back, you can see the three-storied pagoda, which is designated as an important cultural property. The building is more historic than the main hall, but it was restored in 1974 because it remained devastated. Beautifully surrounded by stunning “Momiji” trees.

On the way down the mountain path, you will see “Honbo Myojuin,” which has been used as a scholarch office since the Edo period, and three gardens that surround the south, east, and north. Built from the Momoyama period to the middle of the Edo period, this garden is said to be the best on Omi Road and is designated as a national scenic spot.

"Garden of Shakunage(Japanese rhododendron)". Many stones made in the Kamakura period are arranged near the elegant stone bridge in the center of the garden, and those covered with moss have dignity air. In the spring, “Shakunage” and “Kakitsubata”(Japanese iris)are in full bloom, and in the summer, the water lilies all over the pond bloom neat flowers. The rock shaped like a boat in the pond represents the treasure ship of the Seven Lucky Gods.

“Suiunkaku”, the best tea room in Koto (The area east of Lake Biwa). Cherry blossoms, dianthus, chrysanthemums and other seasonal flowers are drawn on the ceiling, and the view of the garden from the tea room is exceptionally beautiful.
Azaleas and “Shakunage” in spring, hydrangeas and water lilies in summer, colored leaves in autumn, and snowy scenery in winter.
I would like to visit Kongorin-ji Temple, which shows the faces of the four seasons, over the time.
about this venue
One of the three mountains of Koto(The area east of Lake Biwa), a temple of the Tendai sect that Gyoki opened at the request of Emperor Shomu in the 13th year of Tenpyo (741) during the Nara period. It is a venerable ancient temple where it is said that Yoshitsune Minamoto donated a sword in hopes of winning the martial arts of Yoshinaka, and Tokimune Hojo ordered Yoritsuna Sasaki to pray for the surrender of the Yuan-dynasty army.
Location: 874 Matsuoji, Aisho-cho, Aichi-gun, Shiga Prefecture
Phone: 0749373211
<重文>三重塔 二天門 木造阿弥陀如来坐像(2躯) 木造十一面観音立像 木造不動明王立像 木造毘沙門天立像 木造慈恵大師坐像(2躯) 木造四天王像 木造大黒天(日本最古) 銅磬
所在地: 滋賀県愛知郡愛荘町松尾寺874
電話: 0749-37-3211