TAGA TAISHA | A refreshing breeze blew through,
and a divine light shone through.
Otaga-san, the parent god of all life.
多賀大社 | 清らかな風が駆け抜け、神々しい光が差した。

Izanagi no Okami
Izanami no Okami
According to the “Kojiki”, these two gods began their marriage for the first time in “Takama no Hara”, and gave birth to all kinds of life, including Amaterasu Omikami and myriads of gods, as well as humans and all plants. After that, it is said that he descended to Mt. Sugisaka overlooking Lake Biwa to the west and was enshrined permanently in the sacred land of Taga.

Stroll through the precincts in the morning, enveloped in silence. Even when I visited in midsummer, the air was calm and smooth.
Since it is the parent deity of life, it has long been worshiped as a god of long life, marriage, and warding off evil. From the Kamakura period to the Edo period, the faith spread among the samurai and the common people.

A shrine with a solemn appearance. Taga Taisha is sung in folk songs such as "If you visit Ise, visit Otaga, Ise is a child of Taga." It has been popular for a long time under the name of “Otaga-san”.

“Okushoin” is the oldest remaining building in Taga Taisha. This garden is also exceptionally beautiful. It is said that it was built based on the 10,000 goku of rice that Hideyoshi, Taiko of the time, offered to pray for his mother, Omandokoro's recovery from illness.

A pond-viewing garden in the Azuchi-Momoyama period built so as to look down from the “Okushoin”.
An artificial hill is set up in the northeast, and the Fudosanzon stone is set in the back of the front against the background of natural trees, and large stones are placed throughout the garden. The pond, which expresses the natural curve with the stone revetment, has dry waterfalls in the corners of Tsurushima and Kameshima. There is a natural stone bridge under the waterfall that is full of power. It is a very elegant garden with many attractions.

The building structure of “Okushoin” is a single-tiered hipped building with a crosstile roof and consists of a crane room, a poetry room, a tea room, and a side room. The fusuma paintings by the Kano school painters are dark colors based on golden ponds, and while the paintings of lions and peony, flowers and birds are gorgeous, they retain the “Shoin Style” of the Edo period.

A clear stream surrounds the shrine. The graceful bridge that crosses the boundary was built with the deep faith and dedication of Taiko Hideyoshi, and has been called “Taiko Bridge”.

The ema (wooden plaques that people write their wishes on) at Taga Taisha is in the shape of a rice scoop. “Otaga Shakushi” – It is said that when Emperor Gensho was ill, the priest at that time cooked him strong rice and presented him with a rice scoop made of Shiden wood, and he was instantly healed. Since then, it has become famous as a good luck charm for good health.
多賀大社の絵馬は、しゃもじの形をしている。「お多賀しゃくし」 – 元正天皇の病気に際し、当時の神主が強飯を炊き、しでの木で作った杓子を献上したところ、天皇はたちま治癒されたとか。以来、無病息災の縁起物として名物となっている。
Through a long history, Otaga-san has protected people and has been loved as a stronghold.
A divine temple that makes you feel the source of all life. Magnificent scenery no matter where you cut it.
It is said that the weeping cherry blossoms in spring and the red leaves of Okushoin in autumn are also splendid. I definitely want to visit in all four seasons.
about this venue
A shrine located in Taga Town, Inukami County, Shiga Prefecture. Former Kanpei Taisha Shrine. The enshrined deities are Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto. It is an ancient shrine that is described in the Kojiki. The prayer hall of successive imperial courts. Since the Middle Ages, it has been worshiped as a longevity god, and it is known that Hideyoshi Toyotomi prayed for his mother's recovery from illness in 1588.
Location: 604 Taga, Taga Town, Inukami District, Shiga Prefecture
Phone: 0749481101
電話: 0749-48-1101